Health Tip [HT]: We subscribe to the idea of Wellness to maximize health.
> Western medicine waits for disease symptoms and then prescribes drugs; whereas Eastern medicine focuses on disease prevention by boosting wellness. Try it! So why do we have a Sr-Drug-Pgm and not a Senior Wellness Program? Instead of promoting homeopathic supplements and measures, the FDA tries to protect us by destroying them.
> Discovered in Germany years ago, biofeedback testing can help determine what you should do with homeopathic supplements (vitamins, minerals, and more.) Your own body is your best doctor, in consultation with your professionals. Here is what we drink each day in the area of wellness support, (about an ounce each, each day.)
Riovida is a natural food-drink that boosts your immune system. When we first arise, we drink a glass of filtered water, then an ounce of Riovida, plus 4-Life TF-Cardio (capsule with transfer factor.) Boosts to 435%, fyi.
FrequenSea is a complete-food drink The founder healed himself from the highest level of cancer with marine phytoplankton, the complete food from the sea. [To FDA: this is not a claim.] We drink an ounce with breakfast.
AloeVera Juice from an ounce at lunch & dinner.
ASAP 10-ppm silver solution to take out pathogens, tablespoon at nighttime. See our ECHO note from yesterday, and visit Silver milk pails, silver thread for wounds, and silverware were inspired ideas.
On the website of American Biotech Labs, be sure to read the amazing testimony before Congress of 100% cure rate of malaria in Ghana and Rwanda using silver solution for infants, kids, and adults. The time to cure was five to seven days. Other university studies are also cited.
There are other inspired supplements we will discover soon. Please Feedback to us.